
Saturday, March 16, 2019

Essay --

I would like to present myself as a potential candidate for Masters Program in Mechanical engineering at Masdar Institute of science and technology. I graduated from NED University of Engineering and applied science as a Mechanical Engineer in December 2011. The effort I opted mechanical engineering was my inclination towards the subjects relating mechanics of solids. Myinterest in this business line grew to such an extent that I became passionate of taking the familiarity gained in theclassrooms to the next level and was successful in securing the final course of instruction project of Designing of Pipeline forRefinery Effluent, a real condemnation industrial assignment of Pakistan Refinery Limited which is considered as one of theleading embrocate and gas companies in Pakistan. To secure such an industrial project, which non solely needed research potential but withal the aspect of instinct the dynamics involved in the industry, I prepared myself during my bachelors by d ynamic innumerous projects and received multiple national awards for my work, as a leader and a member of team for thedesign and fabrication of unsettle aerial vehicle (UAV) in DBFC (Design Build and Fly) organized by the AmericanInstitute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA). I was also selected for the renowned outside(a) competitionShell Eco Marathon Asia, to design an energy efficient car. These projects not only gave me hands-on experience indealing with composites and testing my knowledge, they also gave me the chance to explore the field of fluidmechanics and aerodynamics. Along with these illustrious competitions, I regularly took part in local engineering competitions and seminars toactively apply the knowledge I gained during my bachelors. Having done these mechanical ... ...ill help me inunderstanding the analytical techniques and instruments, while my software skills will assist me in handling theproblems related to modeling and simulation. It will also enable me t o bring through the challenging tasks to the fullestof my abilities. I believe Masdar Institute is the perfect land which provides the set blend of research and academics neededin the professional world and I am hopeful that this combination would prove to be an asset for me in the future tocome. I envision a career in this field as a culmination of my interests and I would appreciate the opportunity to dogthis at Masdar. Admission in the masters program at this esteemed institute would be a milestone in myacademic, professional and personal deportment and ambitions. If accepted, I will be dedicated to perform at a level thatwill make both the university and I proud.

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