
Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Lab assignment Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Assignment - Lab Report Example The movement of material across the dialysis membrane was depended on the concentration of the materials across the membrane. Notably, highly concentrated solutions were expected to move from high to low concentrations through diffusion process. Additionally, materials were also expected to move form regions of low concentration to high concentration across the membrane (movement of the experimental material out of the membrane) through osmosis process. Finally, at a certain point or zero concentration gradient no movement of materials across the cell was expected. The concentration of any given solution determines the movement of materials across any semi or permeable membrane. The movement of water molecules or materials from regions of high concentration to regions of low concentrated refers to diffusion of materials. The materials are expected move from regions of low concentration to regions of high concentration in a process termed as osmosis. These movements are attempts of creating balance or equilibrium in concentration within the regions around any given cell membrane. Therefore, when the concentrations between the membranes are of equal concentration, there shall be no movement of material across the membrane. Hence, this process well explains different types of movements of materials across cell membranes of living organisms (Beckett

Monday, October 28, 2019

Health Care Spending Essay Example for Free

Health Care Spending Essay In the past seven decades health care spending has been increasing tremendously. The industrial era brought in a new system to help population duel with the cost of medical care. New technology has become a much needed investing in the 21st century which has yield to a great margin between small and big facilities. When looking at all of these factors there is no wonder the nation is spend way too much money on health care, although at times might seem that there is not enough. It seems that the right investment is needed to help aid those that need help the most the elderly and unemployed, with the economy in a fragile state and unemployment rates increasing with the quarters there is no question that decisions about how we are spending on health care needs to change. Even though so many factors are involved in the spending this paper would focus on our current level of expenditures, how and where is the money spent, forecasting what would be coming next. Current level of national healthcare expenditures According to Physicians for a National Health Program (2012), â€Å"National Health Expenditures was $2.8 trillion, and the spending as a percent of GDP was 18% for 2012† (National Health Expenditure Projections: Modest Annual Growth until Coverage Expands and Economic Growth Accelerates). When looking at these facts many would even argue we are spending quite enough when it comes to healthcare or perhaps too much, however is the complete opposite not enough spending is in the right place. These figures does not represent the spent on one area of health care the graph below will provide an idea as to what, when, and where was spent on 2009. Total = $2.3 Trillion Source: Martin A.B. et al., â€Å"Growth In US Health Spending Remained Slow in 2010; Health Share of Gross Domestic Product Was Unchanged from 2009,† Health Affairs, 2012. As shown on the graph 51% of the spending is towards hospital care and physician/clinical services which are great to be invested in, however the rest of the spending in my opinion is not proportionally distribute, yes those areas are extremely important but it would be beneficial if more can be distributed along medication, and other professionals services to include the testing and diagnose of serious illnesses such as cancer. The investment is require to subsidize the needs on these areas, 45 percent of people under age 65 who dont have insurance coverage for prescriptions said they had not filled a prescription in the last year because of the cost. Additionally, 84 percent of working-age people in the U.S. without insurance coverage for prescriptions said they had taken some action such as spending less on groceries or postponing paying other bills in order to pay for their medications, an increase from 71 percent last year (Rowan, 2012). Regarding testing for patients with cancer there should be more funding for the new technology available for test that many patients are not aware, because they cannot afford it or simply because it is not available in their area. Spending: Too much or not enough? In 2010, $2.6 trillion was spent on health care services and products, 61 percent of which purchased hospital care, physician and clinical services, and retail prescription drugs. Private health insurance paid for 33 percent, out-of-pocket sources for 12 percent, and other third party payers and programs for 7 percent. The two largest government health care programs, Medicare and Medicaid, purchased $925.1 billion worth of health care goods and services in 2010, accounting for 36 percent of total health care spending (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, 2012). The increase of cost would continue to rise according to economists, health care managers, and advisors forcing for a new reform to change the system. Thus many are not too please with this idea is a phenomenal that cannot be avoid, there is a need to change in policies and methods in which we spent or invest in health care. Suggesting that the investment is too little would be a denial statement, everyday more and more patients are relying on programs such as Medicare and Medicaid to get the attention required at the moment. As the economic recession set in deeper less would be available to afford just the basic needs, medication or any treatment; unemployment rates are on the rise and it does not seem it would stop anytime soon. Although the new reform would try to establish some type of stability, until the insurance companies and policy makers come to an agreement to provide a universal premium for service which can be affordable for all, the same problems would continue to emerge. Many factors also have effect on spending considering for example the demand for new technology in the 21st century; this trend has become to some degree a factor in the rise on health care spending. Much of this new technology is beneficial if it provides a new way to used already establish technology, however many studies have revealed that most of them are only here to replace such technology and at some circumstances increase the cost of service. As a country a deeper consideration of such technology is needed not only to save money, but to invest wisely as to what would help the system cut in spending. Future economic needs of health care For years to come the enduring effects of the economic recession and slow recovery, due mostly because of partial growth in incomes, are expected to continue to limit health spending growth. In 2014 the coverage expansions laid out in the Affordable Care Act for Medicaid and for private health insurance are expected to increase the growth rate for health spending, with notable increases expected in spending on physician services and prescription drugs for newly insured patients. By the end of the year, higher income growth and the continuing shift of baby boomers into Medicare are expected to cause health spending to grow roughly two percentage points faster than overall economic growth, which is about the same differential experienced over the past thirty years. Therefore a necessary reform of a national health care perhaps would provide the change needed, the only issue with this suggestion is the funding. Thus a national health care would help every citizen reach the so needed medical attention required at an affordable price there is no surprise that the funding through Federal programs are thinning, and the cost of private insurance keeps on raising. Therefore a more evaluated reform should be put in place where the cost of care should be regulated, and more affordable options are given to the population; an increase on reimbursement of healthcare for basic health needs is necessary to subsidize the cost for complex health needs in order to keep the cost regulated. According to Centers For Medicare And Medicaid Services (2011), â€Å"In 2014, national health spending is projected to rise to 7.4 percent, or 2.1 percentage-points faster than in the absence of reform, as the major coverage expansions from the Affordable Care Act (ACA) are expected to result in 22 million fewer uninsured people† (National Health Expenditure Projections 2011-2021). Increases in Medicaid spending growth, and private health insurance growth will contribute to the overall acceleration in national health spending in 2014. There is no question that technology would also continue to raise to help the system provide the best and fast way possible services to those in need. Investing more in health care can only benefit the nation; however the right decisions needs to be made in order to keep the spending growth under control. Reference Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. (2012). Retrieved from http://www.cms.gov/Research-Statistics-Data-and-Systems/Statistics-Trends-and-Reports/NationalHealthExpendData/downloads/dsm-10.pdf Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. (2011). Retrieved from http://www.cms.gov/Research-Statistics-Data-and-Systems/Statistics-Trends-and -Reports/NationalHealthExpendData/Downloads/Proj2011PDF.pdf Martin A.B. et al., â€Å"Growth In US Health Spending Remained Slow in 2010; Health Share of Gross Domestic Product Was Unchanged from 2009,† Health Affairs, 2012. Physicians for a National Health Program. (2012). Retrieved from http://www.pnhp.org/news/2012/june/2012-health-care-spending-including-administration Rowan, K. (2012). Fox news.com. Retrieved from http://www.foxnews.com/health/2012/09/13/why-americans-prescriptions-are-going-unfilled/

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Roth IRAS or Traditional IRAs :: essays research papers fc

Choosing Between Roth IRAs and Traditional Deductible IRAs The decision is complicated if you're eligible for both types of IRAs. With the creation of the Roth IRA and the liberalized eligibility guidelines for the traditional IRA, the vast majority of individuals are now eligible to make some sort of IRA contribution. IRA Eligibility All but the wealthiest of workers are eligible to contribute to a Roth IRA. Eligibility to make the maximum contribution to a Roth is limited to married couples with adjusted gross incomes of less than $150,000 and single individuals with incomes under $95,000. Smaller contributions are allowed for couples with adjusted incomes up to $160,000 and singles with incomes up to $110,000. Roth IRA contributions aren't deductible, but withdrawals are tax-free once the account has been open more than five years and you're over age 59 1/2. Fewer taxpayers qualify for traditional IRAs, where contributions are deductible, but withdrawals are taxed. But Congress loosened the eligibility requirements to allow many more taxpayers to take advantage of traditional IRAs than in the past. The Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997 raised the income-eligibility limits for taxpayers who participate in a 401(k) or are covered by some other employer retirement plan. Before the rules were liberalized by the 1997 tax act, a married couple above the income-thresholds could make deductible IRA contributions only if neither spouse was covered by a retirement plan at work. But this restriction was eased beginning with 1998 returns. If only one spouse is covered by an employer retirement plan, the other spouse will be eligible for at least a partial IRA deduction so long as the couple's joint income is below $160,000. If neither spouse is covered by an employer retirement plan, then both spouses can make deductible contributions to a traditional IRA, no matter how high their income. Roth IRA vs. Traditional IRA The decision about which type of IRA to set up will be a simple one for most higher-income taxpayers who will only be eligible for Roth IRAs, but the decision is complicated if you're eligible for both types of IRAs. There have been numerous articles in the financial press and advertising campaigns by financial institutions extolling the virtues of the Roth IRA. All the ballyhoo has made the advent of Roth IRAs seem like the financial equivalent of the Second Coming. And indeed, many people will find that the ability to make tax-free withdrawals from a Roth IRA is a more valuable tax benefit than getting an upfront deduction for contributions to a traditional IRA.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Report on Key Issues in Small Business Enterprises

| Key issues in small business enterprises| Personal Reflective Report| | Zdravko Mihaylov| BA (HONS) Business Enterprise Development2012| | Introduction Small business enterprises are important for the modern market economy in terms of innovation, employment and flexibility. They are the backbone of our economy. Around 98. 6% of all businesses are considered small (Goodman, 2006) and every large business was at some point small. Small business enterprises are very different to large business enterprises.They operate in different circumstances, such as having different management techniques, facing different financial constraints and production choices, and bearing different relative regulatory burdens. This report’s aim is to identify some of the key issues facing small business enterprises today, addressed in the Enterprise Finance unit, in order to give better view of the challenges presented in their survival and growth. Small business enterprises are often at a competitiv e disadvantage to large business enterprises.They may have difficulty achieving economies of scale, where large enterprises have already been well established, they often have difficulty in acquiring sources of finance and they may have problems with government policy and regulation, which are often designed to assist specifically large enterprises (Holmes et al, 2003). Other factors that may bring to small enterprise failure include: poor credit management, poor stock management, poor pricing practice, excessive profit distribution, excessive investment in long term assets and others (Holmes et al, 2003:142).They are very dependent on the founding owners and have higher business risk. Evaluation In summary, two broad forms of business failure can be identified. The first involves the start-up of the business, bankruptcy, liquidation, voluntary wind-up/closure. The second form is where the business continues to operate, but the return on capital, time and effort contributed by owner s is bellow the desired. Small business enterprises have difficulty competing with already established large enterprises.New enterprises rarely have the financial backing to set up a large-scale operation to take immediate advantage of scale economies. Except the challenges brought by the lack of history and reputation, a development of a price cutting war may become a great threat to small enterprises, as they may not have the financial capacity to withstand such competition. Some of the scale economies not available to small enterprises are listed in Figure 1. 1 in the Appendices. A way of overcoming those issues is adopting strategies to overcome some of the disadvantages or to target small niche markets in which to operate.Small business enterprises suffer from chronic undercapitalisation as they often have limited access to the capital and money markets (Tamari, 1980). Two main â€Å"gaps† can be identifies as responsible for that: Knowledge gap – lack of awarenes s of appropriate sources of finance and their relative merits resulting in restricted use of debt; Supply gap – unavailability of funds or exceeding cost of debt. Another barrier is the required higher rate of return on funds invested or lent due to the higher risk in small business enterprises (Storet, 1994).Problems can even arrive from the owners’ inclination of not wanting to share control of the business with investors. Other frequent cause of small business failure is the lack of liquidity or little financial planning and control. Two critical periods of financial needs are identified within the business life cycle: the start up and the rapid expansion. To overcome this problem and avoid overtrading1, a long-term finance source is needed. Different financial stress factors have also been identified by Hutchinson and Ray (1986) in each stage of the lifecycle, which can be seen on Figure 1. in Appendices. Another major challenge for small enterprises is the burden of complying with government regulations. Part of the burden problem can be attributed to poorly designed legislations. Two disadvantages are seen by this, listed in Figure 1. 2 in the Appendices. While a lot of studies show that small enterprises face a greater relative compliance burden than large enterprises, some consider that many of them ‘are so flawed that we must view their findings with scepticism’ (Brock and Evans, 1986: pp. 134-5).When looking at the small firm survival over a period of time, a key variable is net profit. It is defined by subtracting all operational costs from gross profits and the costs of closing down a business. For staying in business over a period of time, it is required that net profit should not fall below zero. In case of being positive, the firm might have some prospect for growth, while in case of being zero, it is just breaking even. If it stays negative for a period of years, it invites failure and exit from the market.Thus one mi ght express that for staying in business, net profit should be non-negative. Small business enterprises usually have centralized control by the owner, thus his managing skills are critical for the survival of the business. Perry and Pendelton (1983) estimated that 90% of the business failures are associated with management inexperience and/or incompetence. It has been identified that managerial roles relate to the lifecycle of a business enterprise (Holmes et al, 2003:150), so different managerial skills are required for each lifecycle stage.In other words, if owners do not have the necessary managerial skill for each stage, the business might be at a great risk. Conclusion The objective of this project was to determine the key issues facing small business enterprises today, discussed in the Enterprise Finance unit, and to draw the knowledge gained. Firstly, the report begins with analysis of the disadvantages of barrier of entry, Overtrading1 – when a business expands withou t a solid financial foundation financial and government regulation issues of small enterprises.The report continues with examination of the survival over a period of time and the role of the owner-manager in small business enterprises. The issues listed in this report cannot be generalised for all small business enterprises, as each one has a unique structure, resources and capabilities. Further research may be required in this area before any decisive conclusions can be drawn. Bibliography Brock, W. A. , & Evans, D. S. (1986). The Economies of Small Businesses: Their Role and Regulation in the US Economy. Holmes and Meier: New York. Goodman, G. (2006).Five Challenges Every Small Business Owner Faces. From http://ezinearticles. com/? Five-Challenges-Every-Small-Business-Owner-Faces&id=158921 Holmes et al. (2003). Small Enterprise Finance. John Wiley & Sons Australia Ltd: Sydney Perry, C. , & Pendelton. W. (1983). Successful Small Business Management. Pitman Publishing: Sydney. Store y, D. J. (1994). Understanding the small business Sector. Routledge: London. Tamari, M. (1980). The financial structure of the small firm. American Journal of Small Businesses, 4:4 20-34. Appendices ————————————————-Figure 1. 1 Scale economies of large enterprises, not available to small enterprises | Longer production runs based on larger and more technologically advanced plant and machineryQuantity discounts on input purchasesEmploying specialistsMore widespread advertisingAccess to more forms of finance on better terms and conditionsMore sophisticated information gatheringLower unit costs in complying with government regulations and reporting obligations| (Adopted from Holmes et al. , 2003, pp. 52-53) ————————————————- Figure 1. 2 Government regulation disadva ntages |A greater relative cost burden in complying with many forms of government regulation, because of the substantial fixed costs involvedGovernment policy measures being designed to assist large enterprises more than small enterprises| (Adopted from Holmes et al. , 2003, pp. 54) ————————————————- Figure 1. 3 A view of the financial lifecycle of a smaller growth enterprise Stage| Finance used| Predominant financial stress factor| Inception| Owner’s resources| Undercapitalisation| Growth 1 (Take-off)| Owners’ resources plus retained profits, trade credit,

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Chapter Practice

QuestionAnswerthe trend towards worldwide markets makes it easier to predict where competitors will spring up. true or false?falsebecause many countries are investing in countries other than their own, each country is becoming more autonomous and independent. true or false?falsean advantage of international expansion is that competition within foreign countries is generally very similar to that of the US. true or false?falseIn michael porter's â€Å"diamond of competitive advantage† there are 4 broad attributes that, as a system, constitute a nation's competitiveness in an industry. true or false?truethe factor endowments of a country are inherited and cannot be created. true or false?falsewith regard to factor conditions the pool of resources that a firm has is much more important than the speed and efficiency with which these resources are deployed. true or false?falsedemanding domestic consumers tend to push firms to move ahead of companies in other countries where consumer s are less demanding and more complacent. true or false?truehigh levels of environmental awareness in Denmark have led to a decline in Denmark's industrial competitiveness in the international marketplace. true or false?falsecountries with a strong supplier base benefit by adding efficiency to upstream activities. true or false?truetypically, intense rivalry in domestic markets does not force firms to look outside their national boundaries for new markets. true or false?falsemany international firms are increasing their efforts to market their products and services to countries such as India and China as the ranks of their middle class continue to increase. true or false?trueinternational expansion can extend the life cycle of a product that is in its maturity stage in a firm's home country. true or false?truean advantage of international expansion is that it can enable a firm to optimize the location of every activity in its value chain. true or false?truethe laws, and the enforcem ent of laws, associated with the protection of intellectual property rights, represent a significant currency and management risk to multinational firms. true or false?falsedifferences in foreign markets such as culture, language, and customs can represent significant management risks when firms enter foreign markets. true or false?trueoffshoring takes place when a firm decides to shift an activity that they were previously performing in a domestic location to a foreign location. true or false?true2 opposing pressures that managers face when they compete in foreign markets are cost reduction and adaption to local markets. true or false?truetheodore levitt has argued that people around the world are willing to sacrifice preferences in product features, functions, and design if they are offered lower prices and high quality. true or false?trueamong theordore levitt's assumptions that would favor a global strategy is that consumers around the world are becoming less price sensitive. tr ue or false?falsewithin a worldwide market, the most effective strategies are neither purely multidomestic nor purely global. true or false?trueindustries in which proportionally more value is added in upstream activities are more likely to benefit from a global strategy than those in which more value is added downstream. true or false?truein a global strategy a firm operates all its businesses under a single common strategy regardless of location. true or false?truea multidomestic strategy is the most appropriate strategy for international operations because it drives economies of scale as far as possible and provides a middle of the road product appealing to the largest number of consumers in every market. t or f?falsethe need to attain economies of scale encourages multinational firms to operate under a multidomestic strategy. true or false?falsecorporations with multiple foreign operations that act very independently of one another are following a multidomestic strategy. true or false?truea multidomestic strategy would likely include the use of high volume, centralized production facilities to maximize economies of scale. true or false?falsea limitation of a multidomestic strategy is that it may lead to overadaptation as conditions change. true or false?truemultinational firms following a transnational strategy strive to optimize the tradeoffs associated with efficiency, local adaptation, and learning. true or false?truea key tenet of transnational strategy is improved adaptation to all competitive situations as well as flexibility by capitalizing on communication and knowledge flows throughout the organization. true or falsetrueaccording to studies by Rugman and Verbeke, most of the world's 500 firms are global- not regional or biregional. true or false?falsea franchise generally expires after a few years whereas a license is designed to last into perpetuity. true or false?falsetypically joint ventures involve less control and risk than franchising. true or false?falsetypically the best method of entry into a foreign market is the establishment of a wholly owned foreign subsidiary so that the parent organization can maintain a high level of control. true or false?falsea major trend in international developments include:greater international trade and operations, growing recognition of an international managerial perspective, a large increase in international investmentthe reasons that explain why some governments make better use of the inflows from foreign investment and know how than others include:governmental practices that are business friendly, local entrepreneurs that can train workers and invest in modern technology, sound management of broader economic factors such as interest rates and inflationaccording to michael porter's framework all of these factors affect a nation's competitivenessfactor conditions, demand characteristics, related and supported industriesrivalry is intense in nations with conditions of ____ consumer d emand, _____ supplier bases, and _____ new entrant potential from related industriesstrong, strong, highaccording to michael porter, firms that have experienced intense domestic competition are:more likely to design strategies and structures that allow them to successfully compete abroad.all of these factors have made India's software services industry extremely competitive on a global scalelarge pool of skilled workers, large network of public and private educational institutions, large, growing market and sophisticated customersadvantages of global diversificationfirm not being solely dependent on domestic market, firm with large margins at home helping subsidize its operations in other nations, potential to lower costs of operation even if the primary market is at homeoptimizing the location of every activity in the value chain can yield all of these strategic advantagesperformance enhancements, cost reduction, extending the life cycle of the product or serviceMicrosoft decided t o establish a corporate research laboratory in Cambridge, Englandto access the outstanding technical and professional talent available there so that they can attain world class excellence in selected value creating activitiesthe sale of boeing's commercial aircraft and microsoft's operating systems in many countries enable these companies to benefit from:economies of scaleMany US multinational companies set up maquiladora operations south of the US-Mexico border primarilyto take advantage of the low cost of laborappreciation of the US dollar will have this impact on McDonaldslower profits, because foreign profits will be reduced when measured in dollarsThis occurs when a firm decides to utilize other firms to perform value-creating activities that were previously performed in houseoutsourcingwhat is one of Theodore Levitt's assumptions supporting a pure global strategy?MNCs can compete with aggressive pricing on low cost products that meet the common needs of global consumerspressur es to reduce costs require thata company must pursue what is economically beneficial to the company including maximizing economies of scale and learning curve effectsLow pressure for local adaptation combined with low pressure for lower costs would suggest what type of strategy?internationalHigh pressure for local adaptation combined with low pressure for lower costs would suggest what type of international strategy?multidomesticSoftware Tech Inc. a company in the computer software industry, invests heavily in R&D and product design. Thus, most of its value is addedupstreamIndustries in which proportionally more value is added in _____ activities are more likely to benefit from a ______ strategy.upstream, globalWhat types of international firms are most likely to benefit from a global strategy as opposed to a multidomestic strategy?firms in industries that have much value added in research and design or manufacturingRecent trends that might lead to managers of multinational corporat ions to adopt a more decentralized strategy for their operations would includeconsumers are the world are increasingly willing to trade off idiosyncratic preferences in product features for lower price, flexible mftg trends have allowed a decline in the min volume required to reach acceptable levels of production efficiencyFirms following a global strategy strive to offer ______ products and services as well as locate manufacturing, R&D, and marketing activities in ______ locations.standardized, fewGillete's worldwide success with its Sensor razor demonstratesthat a global marketing effort can sometimes be successfulas in the case of Siebel systems, elements of a global strategy may facilitate the competitive advantage of differentiation bythe creation of a world wide network to achieve consistent service regardless of location.risks associated with global strategyfirm with only one mfg location must export its product, geographic concentration of any activity may also tend to isola te that activity from the target market, concentrating an activity in a single location makes the firm dependent on that locationlimitations of global strategy:limited ability to adapt to local markets, concentration of activities may increase dependence on single facility, single locations may lead to higher tariffs and transportation costsElements of a multidomestic strategy may facilitate the competitive advantage of cost leadership bydecreased shipping and transportation costs inherent in local productionlimitations of a multidomestic strategyless ability to realize cost savings through scale economies, greater difficulty in transferring knowledge across countries, may lead to overadpatation as conditions changehigh pressure for local adaptation combined with high pressure for lower costs would suggest what type of international strategy?transnationalUnits coordinate their activities with headquarters and one another, units adapt to special circumstances only the face, and the e ntire org draws upon relevant corporate resources. These are attributes of:transnational strategyWhat is a disadvantage of a transnational strategy?unique managerial challenges in fostering knowledge transferin order to realize the strongest competitive advantage, firms engaged in worldwide competition mustpursue a strategy that combines the uniformity of a global strategy and the specificity of a multidomestic strategy in order to achieve optimal resultsAccording to studies by Rugman and Verbeke, approx how many of the world's largest 500 firms are global, that is, they have at least 20% of their total revenues each in North America, Asia, and Europe?10What describes the most typical order of entry into foreign markets?exporting, licensing, franchising, joint venture, and wholly owned subsidiarya domestic corporation considering expanding into international markets for the first time will typicallyconsider implementing a low risk/low control strategy such as exportingThe form of en try strategy into operations that offers the lowest level of control would be:exportingFees that a multinational receives from a foreign licensee in return for its use of intellectual property are usually calledroyaltiesthe difference between a franchise and licensing contract is thata franchise contract is more specific and longer in duration_________ entails the creation of a third party legal entity; whereas _______ do not.joint ventures, strategic alliancesa business in which a multinational company owns 100% of the stockwholly owned subsidiaryThis is most appropriate where a firm already has the appropriate knowledge and capabilities that it can leverage rather easily through multiple locations in many countrieswholly owned subsidiaries

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Parents should not be informed that their teen is requesting abortion essays

Parents should not be informed that their teen is requesting abortion essays I feel that parents should not be informed that their teen is requesting an abortion because it will lead to more teenagers giving birth to unwanted children, unsafe and illegal abortions, infant abandonment, and even worse, infant murder. Within the past few years, infant killing by teenagers is on the rise. In one case, a teen hid her pregnancy and nine months later gave birth to the baby boy in the family basement. Afterward she placed the infant in a garbage bag, leaving him for dead. Admittingly, most teens will not resort to such drastic measures. However, the teen admitted that she was afraid to tell her mother because she claimed her mother told her after her first abortion the year prior, "This better not happen again." I feel the teen was placed in a desperate situation, not wishing to disappoint her family, particularily her mother after being warned, yet not fully understanding the devastating impact er actions would place on her and her family for the rest of their lives. Only when a teen stops denying the pregnancy can she confide in her parents. Even if a pregnant teen feels she has one supportive parent, many will still deny the pregnancy for a while. In an abortion procedure, timing is crucial, as most states have laws that ban abortioon after 22 weeks gestation, unless the mother's life is in danger. At least in a supportive environment, that is uncondidtional, non-threatening, the teen and parent/s can decide which is the better choice, given the circumstances. On the contrary, if the teen knows the news of her pregnancy will only bring verbal ridicule and harassment, and knows if she tries to obtain a legal abortion, her parents will be notified, this additional stress will only prolong the denial. This denial could go on throughtout the pregnancy, even throughout the birth process. The message this law sends is: A teenager can become a mother without parental notification, but she ca...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Companys reputation Essays

Companys reputation Essays Companys reputation Essay Companys reputation Essay Filmmaker Morgan Spurlock undergoes one of the countless tests he subjected himself to while filming his first feature, Super Size Me. During the film, which examines the obesity epidemic overcoming America, Spurlock took the fast track to becoming an obese American and ate nothing but McDonalds for 30 days straight with dramatic results. 5 Events reported in the media, such as incidents involving food-borne illnesses or food tampering, whether or not accurate, can cause damage to the Companys reputation and swiftly affect sales and profitability. Incidents like these are very detrimental to a company because it is so damaging to the companys brand name and reputation. The affect on sales is immediately felt, even if the incident is are accurate or not, the risk is very real. Company Overview Wendys A fast food chain based in Dublin, Ohio founded by Dave Thomas and Robert Barney, in 1969. It was named after Daves daughter, Melinda, who had the nickname, Wendy. There are 6,600 restaurants worldwide. 7 Wendys is famous for its chili, frosty, and square hamburgers. One of their most famous campaigns featured actress Clara Peller inWheres the Beef? This phrase entered into American Pop Culture. (Interesting note: Clara Peller was fired from Wendys because she did a Prego commercial saying she finally found the beef. ) Clara was replaced by the founder Dave Thomas as their spokesman until his death in 2002. Internationally Wendys has 718 stores located from Aruba, Guam, Japan, to the United Kingdom. Competition has forced them out of certain areas. They did own Tim Hortons and Baja Fresh until their sales in 2005, 2006. The Company intends to expand into the breakfast day part, where competitive conditions are challenging, the Wendys brand is not well known and markets may prove difficult to penetrate. They plan to expand breakfast to more than 50% of its restaurants by late 2008. As a result of the foregoing, breakfast sales and profits there from may take longer to reach expected levels or may never do so. 8 McDonalds McDonalds was founded by Raymond Albert Kroc in 1955 with brothers Dick and Mac McDonald. Ray mortgaged everything moved west to sell multi-mixers at the age of 54 In 1965 McDonalds had its initial public offering. A hundred shares of stock valued at $2,250 would have been worth $3. 3 million on December 31, 2006. McDonalds operates approximately 550,000 restaurants in the U. S. generating $365 billion in annual sales and employs 465,000 people. They also operate in more than 100 countries worldwide. McDonalds owned Chipotle and Donatos pizza until they were sold in 2004, 2005. They currently operate Boston Market. McDonalds serves breakfast, lunch and dinner and has even created niche menu items like gourmet coffee to compete with Starbucks. McDonalds has an aggressive strategy they call the, Plan to Win. It outlines how to grow the company, generate revenues, and keep McDonalds an industry leader. Lets take a look at some numbers. Ratios Capital Solvency Total Debt Ratio: Total Liabilities/Total Assets This is a ratio that is good measure to compare companies without getting too complicated, a feel for the companies. As an investor it helps me determine a companys level of risk. Compared to the industry both companies have a better debt ratio, however, I did notice one trend (see common size balance sheet, below). Wendys assets have been declining because of financing and restructuring. In 2005 and 2006 they sold off Tim Hortons and Baja Fresh. Long term assets, Good will, property and Equipment have all decreased. In reality, almost all their assets have decreased since 2002. The only things that did not decrease were cash and accounts receivable, which make sense due to sale of Tim Hortons and Baja Fresh. Since Wendys is trying to find a buyer Id say the company is trying to trim off all the fat from the company by closing unprofitable stores and selling its interests to look more attractive. Wendys better hope they find a buyer because they are not setting themselves up for the long run. McDonalds, on the other hand, is very consistent. Liabilities have steadily been decreasing relative to assets causing their ratio to go lower. McDonalds has better managed their assets and liabilities and continued growth. Total Debt to Equity ratio- Total Liabilities/Shareholders Equity This ratio is important to an investor because it reveals the extent to which management is willing to fund its operations with debt, rather than using equity. A higher ratio also means there is more risk of loans not being paid and then investors might have to put more money into the company themselves. Wendys total liabilities have been increasing relative to equity. McDonalds liabilities have been decreasing relative to equity. Each company places in the middle to upper quartile against the industry. During 2006 Wendys announced a restructuring program to eliminate approximately $100 million of costs, including $80 million from its reported continuing operations. Although some of the savings from this effort were realized in 2006, most of the savings will be realized in 2007. 9 Wendys is trying to increase shareholders equity by doing a buyback: The Company repurchased 26. 2 million shares in 2006 for $1. 0 billion, including 22. 4 million shares for $804. 4 million in a modified Dutch Auction tender offer in the fourth quarter. 10 McDonalds is, again, very consistent. This is what I want to see. While this ratio is not very alarming in that both are doing fairly well, the bigger question is if Wendys is doing the buyback to improve financial ratios like P/E or Earnings Per Share to look more attractive to a buyer. If they are then the buyback is detrimental to shareholders in the long run. Liquidity Current Ratio This is considered to be the standard measurement of a business financial health. Is a company able to meet its current obligations by measuring if it has enough assets to cover its liabilities? Both companies place in between the lower and middle quartile against the industry. At first glance it looks as though Wendys is doing a good job. Current Assets are increasing relative to current liabilities; however, we know this was due to the sale of Baja Fresh and Tim Hortons. Current Assets are great due to the sacrifice of long term assets.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Hernan Cortes and His Captains

Hernan Cortes and His Captains Conquistador Hernan Cortes had the perfect combination of bravery, ruthlessness, arrogance, greed, religious fervor, and insubordination to be the man who conquered the Aztec Empire. His audacious expedition stunned Europe and Mesoamerica. He did not do it alone, however. Cortes had a small army of dedicated conquistadors, important alliances with native cultures who hated the Aztecs, and a handful of dedicated captains who carried out his orders. Cortes captains were ambitious, ruthless men who had the right blend of cruelty and loyalty, and Cortes would not have succeeded without them. Who were Cortes top captains? Pedro de Alvarado, the Hotheaded Sun God With blond hair, fair skin, and blue eyes, Pedro de Alvarado was a marvel to behold for the natives of the New World. They had never seen anyone quite like him, and they nicknamed him Tonatiuh, which was the name of the Aztec sun god. It was a fitting nickname, as Alvarado had a fiery temper. Alvarado was part of the Juan de Grijalva expedition to scout the Gulf Coast in 1518 and had repeatedly pressured Grijalva to conquer native towns. Later in 1518, Alvarado joined the Cortes expedition and soon became Cortes most important lieutenant. In 1520, Cortes left Alvarado in charge in Tenochtitlan while he went to deal with an expedition led by Panfilo de Narvaez. Alvarado, sensing an attack on the Spanish by the inhabitants of the city, ordered a massacre at the Festival of Toxcatl. This so infuriated the locals that the Spanish were forced to flee the city a little more than a month later. It took Cortes a while to trust Alvarado again after that, but Tonatiuh was soon back in his commanders good graces and led one of the three causeway assaults in the siege of Tenochtitlan. Later, Cortes sent Alvarado to Guatemala. Here, he conquered the descendants of the Maya who lived there. Gonzalo de Sandoval, Cortes Right-Hand Man Gonzalo de Sandoval was barely 20 years old and without military experience when he signed on with the Cortes expedition in 1518. He soon showed great skill at arms, loyalty, and the ability to lead men, and Cortes promoted him. By the time the Spanish were masters of Tenochtitlan, Sandoval had replaced Alvarado as Cortes right-hand man. Time and again, Cortes trusted the most important assignments to Sandoval, who never let his commander down. Sandoval led the retreat on the Night of Sorrows, conducted several campaigns before the reconquest of Tenochtitlan, and led a division of men against the longest causeway when Cortes lay siege to the city in 1521. Sandoval accompanied Cortes on his disastrous 1524 expedition to Honduras. He died at the age of 31 of illness while in Spain.   Cristobal de Olid, the Warrior When supervised, Cristobal de Olid was one of Cortes more reliable captains. He was personally very brave and fond of being right in the thick of the fighting. During the Siege of Tenochtitlan, Olid was given the important job of assaulting the Coyoacn causeway, which he did admirably. After the fall of the Aztec Empire, Cortes began to worry that other conquistador expeditions would poach land along the southern frontiers of the former empire. He sent Olid by ship to Honduras with orders to pacify it and establish a town. Olid switched loyalties, however, and accepted the sponsorship of Diego de Velazquez, Governor of Cuba. When Cortes heard of this betrayal, he sent his kinsman Francisco de las Casas to arrest Olid. Instead, Olid defeated and imprisoned Las Casas. However, Las Casas escaped and killed Olid sometime in late 1524 or early 1525.   Alonso de Avila Like Alvarado and Olid, Alonso de Avila had served on Juan de Grijalvas mission of exploration along the gulf coast in 1518. Avila had the reputation of being a man who could fight and lead men, but who had a habit of speaking his mind. By most reports, Cores disliked Avila personally, but trusted his honesty. Although Avila could fight (he fought with distinction in the Tlaxcalan campaign and the Battle of Otumba), Cortes preferred to have Avila serve as an accountant and entrusted him with much of the gold discovered on the expedition. In 1521, before the final assault on Tenochtitlan, Cortes sent Avila to Hispaniola to defend his interests there. Later, once Tenochtitlan had fallen, Cortes entrusted Avila with the Royal Fifth. This was a 20 percent tax on all gold the conquistadors had discovered. Unfortunately for Avila, his ship was taken by French pirates, who stole the gold and put Avila in prison. Eventually released, Avila returned to Mexico and took part in the conquest of the Yucatan. Other Captains Avila, Olid, Sandoval, and Alvarado were Cortes most trusted lieutenants, but other men held positions of importance in Cortes conquest. Gerà ³nimo de Aguilar: Aguilar was a Spaniard marooned in Maya lands on an earlier expedition and rescued by Cortes men in 1518. His ability to speak some Maya language, coupled with the slave girl Malinches ability to speak Nahuatl and Maya, gave Cortes an effective way to communicate with Montezumas emissaries.Bernal Diaz del Castillo: Bernal Diaz was a footsoldier who participated in the Hernandez and Grijalva expeditions before signing on with Cortes. He was a loyal, dependable soldier, and had risen to positions of minor rank by the end of the conquest. He is far better remembered for his memoir The True History of the Conquest of New Spain, which he wrote decades after the conquest. This remarkable book is by far the best source about the Cortes expedition.Diego de Ordaz: A veteran of the conquest of Cuba, Diego de Ordaz was loyal to Diego de Velazquez, governor of Cuba, and even at one point attempted to subvert Cortes command. Cortes won him over, however, and Ordaz became a n important captain. Cortes even entrusted him to lead a division in the fight against Panfilo de Narvaez at the Battle of Cempoala. He was eventually honored with a knightship in Spain for his efforts during the conquest. Alonso Hernandez Portocarrero: Like Cortes, Alonso Hernandez Portocarrero was a native of Medellin. This connection served him well, as Cortes tended to favor people from his hometown. Hernandez was an early confidant of Cortes, and the slave girl Malinche was originally given to him (although Cortes took her back when he learned how useful she could be). Early in the conquest, Cortes entrusted Hernandez to return to Spain, pass along some treasures to the king, and look after his interests there. He served Cortes admirably, but made enemies of his own. He was arrested and died in prison in Spain.Martin Lopez: Martin Lopez was no soldier, but rather Cortes best engineer. Lopez was a shipwright who designed and built the brigantines, which played a crucial role in the siege of Tenochtitlan.Juan Velazquez de Leà ³n: A kinsman of Governor Diego Velazquez of Cuba, Velzquez de Leons loyalty to Cortes was originally dubious, and he joined a conspiracy to oust Cortes early in the campaign. Cortes eventually forgave him, however. Velazquez de Leon became an important commander, seeing action against the Panfilo de Narvaez expedition in 1520. He died during the Night of Sorrows.  Ã‚   Sources Castillo, Bernal Diaz Del. The Conquest of New Spain. Penguin Classics, John M. Cohen (Translator, Introduction), Paperback, Penguin Books, August 30, 1963. Castillo, Bernal Diaz Del. The True History of The Conquest of New Spain. Hackett Classics, Janet Burke (Translator), Ted Humphrey (Translator), UK ed. Edition, Hackett Publishing Company, Inc., March 15, 2012. Levy, Buddy. Conquistador: Hernan Cortes, King Montezuma and the Last Stand of the Aztecs. Hardcover, 1st edition, Bantam, June 24, 2008. Thomas, Hugh. Conquest: Montezuma, Cortes and the Fall of Old Mexico. Paperback, Reprint edition, Simon Schuster, April 7, 1995.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Diversity in the workplace Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Diversity in the workplace - Term Paper Example Helping understand the concept of diversity, let us take the example of a family system. An entire family consists of individual persons- for example, obviously different sexes, different groups of age, belief systems being different too, bringing up of these individuals and having different values etc. Now why an entire family is like it is. The answer to this question is that there is a want and need to learn about each other and be a part of each other’s lives. Without this, the family system would not be present, like it is today. Usually, the Human Resource Department plays an important part in diversity planning and leadership to build and empower an organizational custom that promotes a respectful, inclusive, knowledge-based atmosphere where each employee has the opportunity to learn, nurture and meaningfully add value to the organizations achievement. Many multinational corporations and big firms have found it a need of the hour that diversity is essential for any business’s success. It helps in retaining employees that are efficient and hard working, lowering the costs by having in-house skills developers, and having a goodwill that is there for the overall betterment of the company. Talking about multinational companies, let us take the example of Coca Cola. Initially Coke has its headquarters at Atlanta, but its business is all over the world and more than fifty percent of the revenue comes from outside the USA. The only reason for doing so is that, Coke believes in diverse workforce and wherever it has gone, it has looked after its employees. They give the locals, key positions in the firm, and listen to what ideas they provide. Obviously, locals are residing there, and they know the market there well. Now if Coke, used the same technique and strategy to sell its products say in India, as it did in the US, straight away failure would be there.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Video review on Orientalism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Video review on Orientalism - Essay Example It is the assumption that some places that are perceived to be magical are also timeless and unevolving. Napoleon’s conquest of Egypt in 1798 came about in a different way which basically shows a different way in which a conquest can be made. One can invade a country in search of treasure and petroleum, but in this case, Egypt was invaded and studied for the purpose of what can France to for Egypt. Edward Said shows the difference between Europe and America. He shows how Europe had its colonies in India, Algeria and Indochina for non political reasons which gave both parties a long standing relationship. America on the other hand is interested in countries for political reasons. Edward Said’s view of America’s Orientalism in the east is â€Å"that the American Orientalism is very politicized by the presence of Israel for which America is the main ally.† (Media Education transcript pg.6, www.mediaed.org) [CNN News: Vice President Al Gore] President Clinton and I are proud, as are all Americans that the United States was the first nation to recognize the State of Israel, eleven minutes after you proclaimed your independence. (Media Education transcript pg.6, www.mediaed.org) This breaks down the stereotypes and the ideas that pop into non oriental people when the Orient is talked about. Ideas such as extremists, fanatics, and kamikaze are all words and images that come to mind when the Middle East is talked about. â€Å"So the impression you got of Islam was that it was a frightening mysterious, above all threatening, as if the main business of Muslims was to threaten and try to kill Americans†, says Edward Said (Media Education transcript pg.7-8, www.mediaed.org)in the video. Edward Said was in Canada during the Oklahoma city bombing in April 1995, and just after it happened he was called off the hook by journalists simply because

Management - Change Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Management - Change Management - Essay Example The restaurant’s menu is designed to meet all taste and the purchasing power of the customers. The company has been a global operator and its experience in the market and well-established services make the company market structure moral stable. From the large number of the customers who feed in the restaurant every day and well management of the funds the company financial situation is extremely stable. In order to meet the competition in the industry, Cafe de Coral Company has commenced planning, leading and implementing management changes needed to improve effectiveness and performance. Change Management Change management is never a choice between technologies, organizational or employee oriented solutions, but it involves combinations for best strategies designed to produce results. Hughes (2006, P. 180) indicates that the future scenarios are dynamic as they depend on the company’s abilities to manage them properly. According to Kam and Ming (2006, P. 217), the effe ctive and progressive management of change can assist in shaping a future that will better the enterprise’s survival prospects. The managers and companies operating in public or private will continue to be evaluated depending on their capability to manage change efficiently. Cafe de Coral Company has a larger global market place that has been made smaller due to the enhanced technologies and competition from abroad. Hughes (2006, P. 129) claim that Companies should note that planned change management is not impossible, but it is difficult. The significant point is that change management is an ongoing process, and it is incorrect to think that visionary Cafe de Coral Company can be reached in a highly programmed way. The growth of the company from the local operator to a global operator it shows the company is a different from what it was ten years ago. Kam and Ming (2006, P. 217) indicate that the company has developed strategies that have assisted in responding to competitiv e pressures so that it can transform the company. The Cafe de Coral Company has tried to manage and organize it human and technical resources in order to respond promptly to issues they encounter. The company has achieved the change of taste and preferences of client via harnessing the analytical skills and imagination of all company personnel to improve and introduce new products and services. Various factors have contributed to positive and negative changes in the Cafe de Coral Company. The significant change has transformed both internal and external situation of the company that was initiated due to the discomfort with the status quo. The change of Cafe de Coral led to changes in the internal organization and difficulty of operations in the company. The company noticed there was a gap between the set target and actual result in terms of market share and employee productivity. Therefore, there was a need for the company to reduce the gap and handle the forces of change. Adamson ( 2005, P.358) claim that the Cafe de Coral competitive strategy, and leadership shape has contributed a lot in the change of preference and the taste of the product and services. Meanwhile, the Cafe de Coral wanted to meet the employees’ needs and values that made them change their policies. For instance, it introduced attractive financial incentives that motivated employees and provided autonomy at work to attract and retain its effective employees.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

US Economic Situation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

US Economic Situation - Essay Example This essay discusses that  the problem lies in somewhere else. As the country is technically upgraded enough, the production technique they use in the industrial sector is mostly capital intensive. This leads to unemployment as the labour input is not extensively used in the production system. Nevertheless, the population of the country is not as high as the developing countries. Hence the unemployment rate is not so severe in this country. It has been found that the rate of unemployment in this country has remained at the level of 5.8 per cent for the last two years. The country has witnessed economic growth near about 5 per cent in the last quarter of this year.From this paper it is clear that  US economy is globally considered as a developed economy. However this paper will examine the amount of stress the country has witnessed in the path of development for the last two years. Globalisation has caused the integration of this economy with various developing as well as under de veloped and many other developed countries. The appreciation of the exchange rate causes low inflation and it influences the international trade in a greater extent. The United States achieves the score 76.2 in case of economic freedom. The freedom in business has fallen compared to the last year. However, control over the government spending has achieved modest gains compared to the recent past.  It has been found by the US officials that the unemployment rate of the country has fallen to 5.5 per cent in the last quarter.

Objective To construct a small commercial database and demonstrate its Essay

Objective To construct a small commercial database and demonstrate its functionality - Essay Example The website design primarily focuses on younger customers, and contains some good examples of e-commerce best practice, such as, decent navigation and filtering options, well sorted product reviews, and site search (Charlton, 2009). Founded in 1884 by Michael Marks and Thomas Spencer, Marks and Spencer is a major British retailer of clothing, footwear, gifts, home furnishing, and luxury food products. The company’s main headquarter is in the City of Westminster, and has a wide network of stores with 703 in the United Kingdom, and 361 in more than 40 countries across the globe. The group also owns the clothing retailer Brooks Brothers and the King Super Markets chain in the United States of America (Wikipedia, 2012). This attribute will contain the answer to the secret question of the customer. The system uses this attribute to verify the customer in case if the customer forgets the password, and wishes to know the password; if the customer is verified positively, then the system sends an email containing the password to the customer’s email

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

US Economic Situation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

US Economic Situation - Essay Example This essay discusses that  the problem lies in somewhere else. As the country is technically upgraded enough, the production technique they use in the industrial sector is mostly capital intensive. This leads to unemployment as the labour input is not extensively used in the production system. Nevertheless, the population of the country is not as high as the developing countries. Hence the unemployment rate is not so severe in this country. It has been found that the rate of unemployment in this country has remained at the level of 5.8 per cent for the last two years. The country has witnessed economic growth near about 5 per cent in the last quarter of this year.From this paper it is clear that  US economy is globally considered as a developed economy. However this paper will examine the amount of stress the country has witnessed in the path of development for the last two years. Globalisation has caused the integration of this economy with various developing as well as under de veloped and many other developed countries. The appreciation of the exchange rate causes low inflation and it influences the international trade in a greater extent. The United States achieves the score 76.2 in case of economic freedom. The freedom in business has fallen compared to the last year. However, control over the government spending has achieved modest gains compared to the recent past.  It has been found by the US officials that the unemployment rate of the country has fallen to 5.5 per cent in the last quarter.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Female juvenile delinquents Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Female juvenile delinquents - Research Paper Example The juvenile justice domain is trying to comprehend what is the best system to react to the needs of these girls that are inflowing the system are. (Hoyt & Scherer, 1998) One of the most consistent findings in criminology is that for almost every offense that females engage in, there is far less crime and delinquency than there is for males. Although, females constitute a lesser overall segment of juvenile arrests than males, yet it has also been observed that the two genders’ arrest examples have swerved somewhat over the past decade. Females comprise almost one-third (29%) of all juvenile arrests, about one-third (34%) of arrests for property crimes, and less than one-fifth (18%) of the arrests for violent crimes. (Hoyt & Scherer, 1998) However, even though it is the serious and violent crimes that capture the attention of the media and the public, the majority of juvenile arrests are for far less serious offenses, like status offenses, which accounted for three-quarters (76 %) off all juvenile arrests. Despite the mounting concern for female offending there is very little known about female delinquency. Social scientists have excluded females from their past studies of juvenile delinquency, apparently suspecting that delinquency among females is a subset or minor variation of delinquency among males. (Hoyt & Scherer, 1998) There are major differences as well as similarities between the two gender groups of delinquents. Girls express their inner conflicts and anger in a direct manner where males seem to make their conflicts known through group misbehavior which is calculated to gain status through various devices. It appears that the problems of the females warrant different solutions and approaches towards treatment and rehabilitation than those of the male delinquents. However, it is essential to instill in both genders of delinquent offenders more positive goals and self images as well. It is also apparent that different methods of group therapy shou ld be employed to reflect the differences in the genders and their self concepts. Girls appear to have a more depressing self perception than males and they experience more discarded and are inclined to recognize less with each other as well. Girls time and again are likely to observe themselves as more secluded class than do the male delinquents. Males have been consistently rated as more aggressive during childhood and more boys are diagnosed with conduct disorders than females as well. Girls are less likely to get involved in all types and ranges of delinquent behaviors than are males. Due to the fact that girls are more invested in the interpersonal relationships than males are then girls are more likely to either get involved in or be affected by parental conflict and may in fact be pulled into delinquent behaviors through involvement with delinquent males (Gorman & Loeber, 2005). By understanding the circumstances of antisocial behavior in adolescents we can then more easily i dentify the critical developmental periods that delinquents go through during which intervention could modify the developmental trajectory of the females’ antisocial behavior. In other words female offending is established through many channels with many factors involved but

Safety and Medicare Requirements Essay Example for Free

Safety and Medicare Requirements Essay Introduction The first SMART goal is regarding the elevated re-hospitalization rates, and how as a team we can reduce these numbers by 10% within the next six months. I chose this goal because the Medicare requirements are changing for reimbursement rates and we are a non-for profit organization where cutting down on any costs are important for not only our organization but also for our patients. Secondly, the next SMART goal I chose was how we can increase the compliance of incident reports being filled out for patient injuries, falls and infections by 10% within the next 3 months. I chose this SMART goal because this is an area in which we have been falling behind and this is an lack in compliance. Case Managers and Triage Nurses are responsible for making sure these are completed and returned to our managers in a timely manner. Goal 1: Leadership Development The complete Hospice Team; Social worker, CNA, Pastoral Care, Bereavement Services, RN/ Case Manager and Volunteers will all work together to achieve this goal by beginning teaching at time of admission. The Hospice team will all work together in order to make sure that the patient will die comfortably in their home with their family by their side and will do this without returning to the hospital. .We will provide the family with all of the information and support they will need in order to feel comfortable in keeping their loved one at home without returning them to the hospital. They will have access to a nurse 24 hours a day/7 days a week through our Triage line and will be reminded at each visit to use this form of communication in order to prevent re-hospitalization. Peer-Reviewed Articles In the article, Hospital Readmission Rates in Medicare Advantage Plans, this article speaks about the changes that CMS (Centers for Medicare Medicaid Services) put into effect this year (2013). The changes are to establish a hospital readmissions reduction program in Medicare, when implemented, the program reduces payments to hospitals based on their readmission rates by 20% and hospital-acquired conditions or adverse events among patients with Medicare by 40%. This was a good article to explain why as a non-for profit organization, we must drop the rehospitalization rates. Credible Websites The website, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, has several tools and articles speaking of how to avoid rehospitalizations. They have materials, documents and tools called, State Action on Avoidable Rehospitalizations or STAAR. This aims to reduce avoidable rehospitalizations and is focused on how to improve transitions of care and how to address systemic barriers to reducing avoidable rehospitalizations. This is helpful and useful information to use for our SMART goal, as it provides a lot of tools we could use in reducing our rehospitalization rates. Informational Expert Amy Suydam RN CPS (Clinical Practice Supervisor) is over the Hospice RN/ Case Managers at our office. Amy and I discussed the SMART goal about rehospitalization rates and how we are going to decrease these rates. Amy agrees with all of the teaching with the family from admission on and making them aware of all the assistance they have available from our services. One thing she also did mention is that we could do more in-services with our staff regarding this and make sure everyone does understand the decline in reimbursement rates that we are receiving at this time compared to the costs to the organization. Summary In searching information regarding the rehospitalization rates and the drop of Medicare reimbursements for those stays, I was surprised to have found there was so much information regarding this and the tools that are out there also to use. My direct supervisor, Amy Suydam RN CPS, was also helpful in bringing up some things not thought of that would assist in the success of our organization in achieving our goal of decreasing rehospitalizations  by 10% within the next 6 months. Amy Suydam RN CPS did not feel this was an unreasonable timeframe and decline to be looking towards. This is something we have discussed many times as our organization is non-for profit and this is very important that we follow through with our teachings and get all the information put out there that we can regarding these changes. Goal 2: Organizational Planning The RN/ Case Managers and Triage Nurses will increase their compliance of filling out incident reports that are being filled out by 10% within the next 3 months. The nurses will fill these out for patient falls, infections and injuries in order to be compliant with our Quality Assurance Goals. Peer-Reviewed Articles In the article, Introducing incident reporting in primary care: a translation from safety science into medical practice, the authors speak of how most reported incidents were ones that caused little or no injury to the patient. They found those providing care were able to deal with these incidents more actively and taking less of their time away from their other work. This explains how important it is to report any and all incidents. This is what the organizational SMART goal pertains to is making sure we are compliant in reporting everything that should be reported. Credible Websites The website that related to the SMART goal is called, Quality and Safety. This website provides useful tools and different ways that may be effective in reporting incidents easier which may in turn provide increased compliance. On this website they say EHR’s are the best way and more people are compliant when using the electronic reporting. Informational Expert Amy Suydam RN, Clinical Practice Supervisor reviewed the SMART goal and while reading through the plan of action, she declines any further recommendations. She feels everything has been covered even compared it to our policy for incident reports for our organization, and found nothing further at this time. Summary In researching the SMART goal of increasing compliance of filling out  incident reports, it is amazing how many people are non-compliant. This can lead to legal actions at times and other problems. This is a very important part of Quality Assurance within our organization. .Will hold in-services, cover the company’s policy and explain why incident reports are filled out for and how to properly fill them out and who they are turned in to. We will strive to meet our goal of decreasing non-compliance by 10% within the next 3 months. References Qual Saf Health Care 2004; 13: 281-286 doi:10.1136/qshc.2003.009100 Marieke, Adriana. (2013). introducing incident reporting in primary care: a translation from safety science into medical practice. Health, Risk Society, 15(3), 265-278 doi:10.1080/13698575.2013.776014 Lemieux, Jeff. (2012). Hospital Readmission Rates in Medicare Advantage Plans. American Journal of Managed Care,18(2), 96-104 N.A. (2009). U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Agency for Healthcare and Research and Quality. Retrieved from http://www.innovations.ahrq.gov/content.aspx?id=3287

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Computerised Approach to Monitoring Production Line

Computerised Approach to Monitoring Production Line AN INTELLIGENT COMPUTER VISION BASED APPROACH TO MONITOR PHARMACEUTICAL PRODUCTION LINE Urooj Arif 1, Faizan Naseem 2      Abstract The idea of An Intelligent Computer Vision Based Approach to Monitor Pharmaceutical Production Line   is introduced by our Group after the events observed by us in different pharmaceutical companies cases studies. Like in Japan there they use laser scanners to scan the objects whether they are filled or empty if empty they are discarded and filled goes to next level of production. But in the economy of Pakistan Pharmaceutical industry is the most growing industry in Pakistan and a lot of companies are stepping in to this sector the basic elements to step in in this industry includes the idea, Research and Development , State of the art facilities for manufacturing and packaging etc. So we decided to work on the factor of manufacturing and packaging sector and to work majorly on production line to make production line intelligent by introducing the Computer Vision Based Intelligent Approach for the Production Line. And this product will be of high usability and applica tions in this industry in coming times specifically in Pakistan may be implemented to other Third world countries as well. Keywords-Image Processing, Artificial Neural Network I. INTRODUCTION The Project is about Object Detection Identification and Comparison using Computer Vision Based Embedded System. And as we know Object detection is the process of finding instances of real-world objects such as faces, Vehicles, and buildings in images or videos. Object detection algorithms typically use extracted features and learning algorithms to recognize instances of an object category. It is commonly used in applications such as image retrieval, security, surveillance, and automated quality control systems. II. LITERATURE REVIEW Pakistan is a very fast and future-oriented pharmaceutical industry. At the time of independence in 1947, was perhaps the pharmaceutical industry. Today Pakistan is about 400 pharmaceutical manufacturing units including those operated by 25 multinationals in the country. 70 per cent of the countrys pharmaceutical industry, meet the demand of finished medicine. The domestic pharmaceutical market is divided almost equally between citizens and multinational companies in exchange.Progressive development of the pharmaceutical industry, especially in the last decade, as shown in years. The industry has invested heavily in recent years to upgrade, and Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP), the majority of the industry in accordance with national and international guidelines. Currently, the industry has the ability to produce a variety of products from simple to sophisticated biotech tablet, and value-added generic oncology compounds. Although Pakistan Pharma health and without access to moder n medicine for almost half the population, fastest growth. It needs a chance, but clearly much more work to be done by governments and economic stakeholders. Sales per capita consumption of less than US $ 10 worth of drugs every year $ 1.4 billion in 2007, and 2012 should be sold in 2012 represents 2.3 B drug prices, Last year, the economy, due to poor economic conditions and suffered a lot of damage from the fight against terrorism. Moreover, the economy, inflation, slow economic growth and seen a significant reduction in the value of major currencies against the rupee. No doubt the Government will take the necessary steps to get out of this terrible situation, but that it is the economy and adaptation to board immediately rejected.Before reviewing the pharmaceutical market, we look at the situation globally. 48%, 28% and the US, the EU and 12% of the value of the global market-based controls for Japan with a share. The remaining 20% of the global pharmaceutical market.The pharmaceutical market style, it is very competitive and challenging. Some 600 pharmaceutical companies in Pakistan. The 386 operating units. Have already mentioned, has a dramatic effect on inflation and devaluation operating margin. Therefore, the challenges for the pharmaceutical industry can be a major cause.When we look ba ck in the pharmaceutical industry, the situation has clearly changed completely. Early nineties it was occupied by the multinational pharmaceutical companies in the industry but there is also a scenario for the past 18 years or so, I was completely changed. 30 386 units of multinational companies operating in drug production. Multinational and national companies in the ratio of 45% and 55%. Increasing share of national companies is an encouraging sign for domestic investors. The annual growth of 11%, US 1.64 $ billion total pharmaceutical market, pharmaceutical industry today with the global development of Pakistan. In the present scenario, more than 80 percent of demand met with national companies.Local while 20 percent are covered by imports. All raw materials are imported from China, India, Europe, North America and other countries. About 20% of the total imports from Switzerland. 2008-09, according to GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) List Data List 11.59% market share and multinationals wi th growth of 8.9%. The national pharmaceutical companies Getz. (Pvt) Ltd has over 70%, with 3.76% market share in the last three years. And a 2.79% market share of the list of national pharmaceutical companies with Getz Pharma, Some multinational companies. Currently, the government of Pakistan to take action drugs, drug manufacturing license of 4 species shall:1. Creating2. Basic manufacturing.3. Half-based manufacturing4. Repackaging The organization of the census of Pakistan (2010), Pakistan has a population of 16.98 million with growth rate of 2.69. Everyday health consciousness also, as well, which can be helpful in increasing per capita expenditure growth in the future.The most successful pharmaceutical companies, existing business and customer trends to maximize profits with a variety of marketing strategies for different types of customers in almost constant new challenges and opportunities. Pharmaceutical companies invest (ROI), to improve their return New communication technologies (digital media) to its traditional ways. III. IMAGE PROCESSING Image processing can be set to produce either a picture or features or parameters that are related to image. Images are processed as a stereo signal, in which the third dimension or Z axis.Image processing refers to a digital image processing. However, an analog and optical image processing is also possible. The pictures are said to achieve imaging. Image closely linked to computer vision and graphics processing. Born as images manually objects, physical models of the atmosphere and light in computer graphics, instead of some imaging devices having a camera on landscapes such as the purchase of the more animated movies . Computer vision contrast is often regarded as a high-level image processing from a machine, or a computer or software will decrypt the contents of the physical layout of the photo or image.Because of the growing importance of technology and scientific concept of the modern science of images that are too wide. Examples include genetic research or real-time multi-asset portfolio microarray data into portfolio management in the financial sector.We also are different factors involved in image processing, can be from one to another can vary include, binary images, color photos (8 bit, 24 bit), Color Quantization, Convolution, Distance Matrics, Dithering, Edge Detectors, Frequency Domain, Gray scale Images, Image Editing Software, Idempotence, Isotrophic Operators, Kernels, Logical Operators, Masking, Non-linear Filtering, Pixels, Primary Colors, Spatial Domain, Structuring Elements, Wrapping and saturation. IV. ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORK A neuron is a nerve cell is the basic building block of the nervous system. A large number of neurons in ways similar to other cells in the human body, but there is a significant difference between neurons and other cells. Neurons are specialized to transmit information throughout the body. This highly specialized nerve cells are responsible for the information in the chemical and electronic forms of communication. Different types of neurons, which are responsible for the different tasks within the body. Sensory neurons carry information from the sensory receptor cells in the body to the brain. Motor neurons transmit information from the brain-body muscle. Neuron body responsible for information and communication between different neurons.Neuron matching neurons and other cells in the body with other cells, both of which are surrounded by a membrane that seals protect the genetic information of other cells of neurons and body are composed of a central can. The bodies of both types of cells in cell mitochondria, Golgi contains, including the organelles and cytoplasm body. Cell LifeCreate unique to neurons, differences, unlike other body cells shortly after birth ceased to reproduce neurons. For this reason, some parts of the brain neurons will die because of the neurons at birth than life, but not the place. Neurons do not reproduce in most areas of the brain, have shown that the formation of new connections between neurons Research.Neurogenesis, or the formation of new nerve cells, about life is found in parts of the brain. Neuron is a membrane that is designed to send information to other cells. dendrites, cell bodies and axons are three main parts of a neuron. However, all neurons vary somewhat in size, shape and characteristics in terms of neuron function and role. Some neurons while others are highly branched, to obtain a large amount of information, there are few dendritic branches. Others may be quite a long while some neurons, short axons. The longest ax ons in the human body is about three feet in length and extends from the underside of the spine to the big toe! Neuron dendrites receive information from sensory receptors or other neurons. This information is then passed on to the cell body and axon. Once this is known as an action potential which travels down an electrical signal, the length of axons in the axons information.Communication between synapses is an electrical pulse has reached the end of a Axon will be transferred once, information about the synaptic gap to the dendrites of neighboring neurons. In some cases, signals about the space between neurons and soon on its way. In other cases, are required to send information from one neuron to the next neurotransmitters. The neurotransmitters cross to reach other neurons and synaptic receptor sites vacuum chemical messengers that are released from the axon terminals. Neurons, neurotransmitters and their receptor binding site in a way known as reuptake are reabsorbed will be u sed again. V. TRAINING AND TEST ING PHASE We have break the our training and testing phase in to the steps that includes Input, Image Filtering, Image Segmentation, object detection, Visual feature, machine learning, trained network, classified output. VI. METHODOLOGY The basic Architecture is human tracking and monitoring are deployed on a visual application tool for testing, which serves as package for human classification and monitoring the trained proceeds and its validation is implemented in MATLAB to build a software system.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   i. Image Registration Somebody entrance is the method of transforming to   incompatible sets of aggregation into one nascent system. Collection collects quadruplicate photographs,   information achieve from diverse sensors, present, depths, or viewpoints. individual enrolment old in computer modality method, medical images, biological images   military target recognition   the compiled and analyzed to images and data to collect from camera. Registration is important   to compare or integrate the data to achieve from these different measurements.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   ii. ROI Selection Blobs are   supply to a extra statement of individual structures in spatiality of regions, the corners   more point-like. blobs are described to   preferred direction that capital   the more blob detectors are also be regarded in   touch part operators. Blob detectors can sensed areas of   human they to such glassy to be sensed in a carre four of device.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   iii. Edges Edges is a line between two individual regions.   Line can be most of concretism, and countenance junctions. Edges are commonly is a sets of points in the mortal which soul a vehement   ratio. The   algorithms gift be constraint sharp circumstantial points together for  Ã‚   consummate description of   provide. These algorithms is   usually guess on the properties of an urgency,i.e mould, smoothness, and close continuance. VII. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS An experimental setup was established to record the Objects with different angles we have followed the criteria of having a pic from 60 different angles and in this way we have worked out on 10 different tablets. In this way we have hypothesis of 600 images as our repository VIII. CONCLUSION After all the observations and research made on this project we reach to the conclusion that this project is an Intelligent   Computer Vision Based Approach To Monitor Pharmaceutical Production Line. This will be the most beneficial project for the pharmaceutical industry most specifically in Pakistan based economy and will get the benefits like   Smart remote Monitoring, Reliability, Increase Professionalism, Precise Detection, Approx. Zero Chances of Error, Detection   Counting and Data Backup All in one Time and most important no need of human workers in this system that makes this project different from the current standards of the systems that are still be followed in the pharmaceutical industries majorly in Pakistan. VIIII. FUTURE WORK We have achieved this project to this level as this report present but we are still looking to make this system more efficient by adding some more features or modules that we may be able to add with this hardware and can achieve more factors to be intelligent and automated. REFERENCES https://www.scribd.com/document/24495237/A-to-Z-of-Image-Processing-Concepts https://www.scribd.com/document/325872322/Digital-Image-Processing-is-the-Use-of-Computer-Algorithms-to-Perform-Image-Processing-on-Digital-Images https://www.scribd.com/document/266789152/Neural-Network https://www.scribd.com/document/273031421/HYBRID-APPROACH-FOR-SEMANTIC-OBJECT-DETECTION-IN-VIDEO https://www.scribd.com/document/161457953/SWOT-ANALYSIS https://www.scribd.com/document/39266814/Industry-Analysis https://www.scribd.com/document/63877699/Image-Processing

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Ethical Issues in Software Patent Law: A Comparison Between the US and UK :: Argumentative Persuasive Papers

Ethical Issues in Software Patent Law: As Seen in Comparison Between the US and UK 1. Introduction Though it is often overlooked today in favor of its counterpart digital music protection, software content protection is an extremely serious issue, and many contend that it has the potential to stunt the growth of technology if it is mishandled. The debate concerns software piracy (often simply using a program you didn’t actually pay for), and the proper legal protection that should apply to such software programs. Due to space constraints, I intend to confine our discussion here to an overview of the software patent and copyright issues in the United States and the UK – two of the world’s most advanced countries with widespread software development and use, and therefore great potential for misuse. And as no treatment of this issue can be complete without a look at its ethical ramifications, I will finally propose a solution to the software protection problem, and justify it with ethical as well as pragmatic motivations. 2. Systems Today There are two primary legal means of protecting one’s software today: copyrights and patents (trade secrets are really a separate category, simply involving keeping your code secret, and provide no real legal protection). The difference between copyrights and patents is that copyrights (traditionally applicable to printed matter and documents) apply automatically but contain limited protection, while patents (applied to unique business processes, etc.) give extensive legal protection but must be granted. Copyrights have long been the only accepted method of protection of software, which was viewed as more like a printed document than a business process; the thinking of many was (and still is!) that, Patents cover unique processes and functions, but since virtually all software is derivative, patent protection seems inappropriate for software programs. Copyright protection may be more suitable since it does distinguish between ideas and their expression. However, the extent and scope of that protection is unclear†¦1 What this means is that copyrights can be got around (at least theoretically, rewriting a program in a different way to do exactly the same thing would not violate a copyright on the original program); and while patents are much more restrictive, it is unclear when exactly a patent on a piece of software is justified, resulting in an opportunity for abuse by patent applicants. To get a more substantive picture of the state of software protection today, we will take a closer look at relevant law in the United States, and compare it to the protection currently offered in the UK.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Pure and Impure Matter

Skills: Planning and Design Topic: Pure and Impure Matter Date: January 13, 2012 Problem: Troy was told that the presence of an impurity raises the boiling point of water. Troy wanted to carry out an experiment with salt water and distilled water to determine which would have a higher boiling point. Suggest a plan and design for this lab. Hypothesis: The salt water will have a higher boiling point than the distilled water. Variables: Controlled: the amount of distilled water and salt. Manipulated: The temperature of the distilled water.Responding: temperature of the salt water and temperature of the distilled water. Apparatus: beakers, bunsen burners, tripod stands, measuring cylinders, glass rod, electrical balance. Materials: distilled water, salt. Method: 1) get two beakers 2) Label them each, one salt solution and the other distilled water. 3) Measure 50cm3 of water into a measuring cylinder and pour into the beaker labeled salt solution. 4) Add 0. 8g of NaCl into the beaker labe led salt solution. 5) Stir until the NaCl is completely dissolved. 6) Place a thermometer into the beaker and apply heat. ) Record the temperature of the solution as soon as it starts to boil. 8) Repeat steps 3, 6 and 7 using distilled water. 9) Make observations. Expected results: the boiling point of the salt solution will be higher than the boiling point of the distilled water because sodium chloride is a non- volatile substance and an impurity when added to water. Therefore the substance does not change to vapour under normal heat conditions, because the bonds in the substances are stronger so a lot of heat must be applies and this will cause an increase in the boiling point.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Smartphone Sector Between Attack and Defense Strategies

Smartphone sector between attack and defense strategies The macro-environment of smartphone sector is very complex and dynamic, especially in the technological aspect like the recent tablet invention. The aggressive competition between companies pushed them to adopt many kinds of actions and strategies to protect their position in the market and to anticipate any unexpected changes in the future. In fact, like military, companies take the position of attacker or defender. One attack strategy which is called bypass technic is materialized by new ideas, concepts and a high hardware and software innovation.For example, with the sleek and beautiful design of Samsung and iPhone the longtime leader Nokia had been easily overtook. However, this basic strategy requires a huge investment in research and development and particularly in Android operating system including downloads, videos, photos, blogs, internet surfing, etc. Moreover, companies can also attack directly their competitors with reducing prices and improving quality to satisfied customers and to enhance the brand image. This strategy was used by iPhone in 2007, by reducing the price from $599 to $399 – a 33% rebate – after only 3 months from the initial product launch.Nonetheless, this decision has been judged as a mistake for the reason that Apple most faithful costumers have rightfully felt being betrayed and exploited. They could have waited 6 more months before reducing the price of the iPhone, or they could have delayed the iPhone launch for 3 months, or they could have decided to price the iPhone at $399 since the initial launch. and since July 2008, the iPhone 3G is sold at $199, 50% less than the September 2007 price, 66% less than the launch price of just one year earlier. Like those mistakes prove that direct attack strategies require a perfect policy prices.Flank strategies are quite used in this sector . we can mention for instance the decision of iPhone to prosecute Samsung for th e pretext that the company has imitated its design and concepts. That’s show that iPhone focus on Samsung weaknesses to influence the customer behavior. However, companies aren’t always in the position of attacker and often counterattack their competitors. For example, when apple introduced 5-megapixel camera, LED flash and Photo and video geotagging in its iPhone 4S, Samsung launched its Galaxy range to preserve its market share.In other side, the increasing rhythm of innovation pushed smartphone producers to avoid direct confrontation especially if there is a big gap between competitors. For instance, Nokia is now unable to recuperate its leadership in Mobil phone sector and try now to target specific customers, particularly lower middle classes. After those global analyses of the smartphone sector, we will identify below the leader’s strategies and what segmentation is using. Samsung outshines Apple in smartphone shipments, market shareTop Five Smartphone Ven dors, Shipments, and Market Share Q3 2011 (Units in Millions) Vendor| 3Q11 Unit Shipments| 3Q11 Market Share| 3Q10 Unit Shipments| 3Q10 Market Share| Year-over-year Change| Samsung| 23. 6| 20. 0%| 7. 3| 8. 8%| 223. 3%| Apple| 17. 1| 14. 5%| 14. 1| 17. 0%| 21. 3%| Nokia| 16. 8| 14. 2%| 26. 5| 32. 0%| -36. 6%| HTC| 12. 7| 10. 8%| 5. 9| 7. 1%| 115. 3%| Research In Motion| 11. 8| 10. 0%| 12. 4| 15. 0%| -4. 8%| Others| 36. 1| 30. 6%| 16. 6| 20. 0%| 117. 5%| Total| 118. 1| 100. 0%| 82. 8| 100. 0%| 42. 6%| http://news. cnet. com

Effective Approaches to Leadership Essay

There is talk that the nursing shortage is over, but the facts show that there is a substantial nursing shortage which is projected to intensify over the next several years. This fact alone will increase the demand on the remaining nurses leading to nurse burn out and increased turnover rates. Nurses are the largest group of health care professionals in America, but the majority of the nurses are close to retirement age (Institute of Medicine [IOM], 2010). This paper will address the issue of nursing shortage, nurse turnover and how nurse leaders and managers are approaching these issues, along with the personal and professional philosophy of nursing of the author of this paper. There are many reasons why a nursing shortage exists, and why it is only going to get worse over the next several years. The median age of the nursing workforce is 46 years of age and almost 50 percent of all nurses are close to retirement, which will substantially impact the nursing shortage (American Nurses Association, 2013). The Affordable Care Act of 2010 ensures that every American have access to affordable health care (U. S. Department of Health & Human Services, 2013). This places an additional demand for nurses, and further increases the shortage. The results of the advances in medicine has increased the average life span, increasing the number of people living with chronic illness, and also increasing patient acuity levels which in turn increases the demand for advanced educated practioners. Nursing colleges and universities across the county are struggling to expand their enrollment levels in order to meet the rising demand for nursing care (American Association of Colleges of Nursing, 2012). Reductions in nursing budgets together with the growing nursing shortage has resulted in nurses working more, taking care of sicker patients and at risk for making mistakes. This further complicates the nursing shortage as this type of environment only drives the current nursing force away from the bedside. The current Registered Nurse turnover rate is 14% (American Association of Colleges of Nursing, 2012). One incentive that management and leadership nurses should be aspiring to is Magnet Status. The American Nurses Association in 1990 developed the Magnet status in an effort to reward hospitals that attract and retain nurses who demonstrate excellence in nursing practice (American Nurses Credentialing Center, 2013).

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Analysing strategic position for SMEs Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Analysing strategic position for SMEs - Essay Example From the Deputy Managing Director of the company Vic Handley, the ground-engineering specialist Van Elle is concentrating on infrastructure and rail as 2015 kicks. Having invested 14.5 million pounds in the past two years in the company’s rail division and 8.5 million pounds is an indication of company-improved performance (Green, Larsen, and Kao, 2008). The financial director of the business, Paul Pearson the rail sector is a recession-proof due to the budgets of the Network Rail. In addition, he adds that there is much to do in those markets that the company is trying to map their investment to their opportunities and growth. From that, it can clearly be that the company is focusing on planning their investment to their growth and opportunities that are good (March 2009). The company is also moving in a positive direction since regional expansion is on the minds of many SMEs, and Van Elle is the company is looking to expand into new areas. The company is also increasing their operations in the burgeoning area of Scotland due to the established services in Wales and England which is a right direction (Kao, Green, and Larsen, 2009). The PESTLE analysis is a detailed view of the environment a business is in. It can also be to a bird’s eye view where the company or a person tries to ascertain certain trends of the market from a macroeconomic perspective. The factors are a primary determinant of strategic development and define how conducive an environment is within which a business struggles to thrive. Therefore, it is important to construct an environmental analysis for Van Elle. The analysis may help to assess several factors in the macro environment and to identify how future issues might affect the company (Haberberg and Rieple, 2007).The primary questions to be for consideration in the Environmental Analysis include; Entails